Eid ul Fitr is a Islamic holiday which marks the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting when muslim religion people observe fast to get blessings of Allah. The word 'Eid-ul-Fitr' means the celebration of breaking the fasting period and the celebration is on the first day of Shaw'waal. People pays special thanks to Almighty God for the union of families, joys and religious spirits.
On this day, people practice special community prayers, charity, gift exchange, delicious recipes and greetings as mentioned in their holy book 'Quran'. They dress up in their holiday attire to express love and feeling for their muslim religion. The Eid-ul-Fitr celebration lasts for three days with complete masti and fun for kids, children and adults. You can decorate your desktops and laptops for the coming muslim holidays of Eid-ul-Fitr with some of these exclusive Eid ul Fitr Wallpapers available with free download facility to everyone. Send your Eid Mubarak wishes through this free gallery of online Eid cards and greetings. For more latest stuff and free ideas, visit http://www.giftsngiftideas.com/eid/